Editors’ Choice – Empyrean

Presenting NESA Creative Writing’s latest work: Empyrean

The galaxy is a vast and beautiful place, full of glittering stars, complex constellations, and evils unknown to man. In Empyrean, take a tour of this celestial world through small human connections, grand intergalactic journeys, and quiet reflections on our place amid the expanse. Take that leap of faith into the inky darkness of space and let it encompass not only your body, but your soul.

Read Empyrean here: Empyrean: Volume 4, Issue 3

Artwork: Sabina Ramon, Spotlight. Oil on canvas, 2024.


Editors’ Choice

Congratulations to Danika Vergara-Abreu, whose piece Astro Not was selected as the Editors’ Choice for Empyrean.

This piece depicts a sincere conversation between spacefaring friends Astro and Luna about the former’s waning lifespan. It was chosen for its power of emotional resonance and its effective character dynamics. Through a blend of witty banter and tender discussion, Danika’s protagonists reminisce on the fulfilling life of adventure they have spent together. As the conclusion of their journey draws near, they must come to terms with the fact that everything eventually comes to an end. Danika proves, with a friendship transcending time, that life’s fleeting nature is what makes each discovery we encounter and each relationship we form so meaningful.

“You’re my favorite. And I don’t want to let go of this favorite.” -Danika Vergara-Abreu

Read Danika’s piece here: Astro Not

Special shoutout to Lorelei Nicholls, whose outstanding digital artwork, Launching the Artemis II (2024), was chosen to accompany Danika’s work. We believe the high-contrast composition and cosmic setting match the tone of the piece. Congratulations to you both!


What is the Editors’ Choice?

The 2023-2024 Bunker Review Staff defines the Editors’ Choice as the piece we believe stands out from the rest of the submissions. This piece demonstrates excellent craft, depth, and originality, as well as takes a unique approach to the theme. Submissions are closely reviewed for this recognition. Out of all the submissions received, we award only one Editors’ Choice in each issue.

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