Drumming to Victory


It’s that time of year again, REGION BAND TIME! Region band is where any interested 7th or 8th grade band student is given the chance to compete against other people of the same instrument, in the region. This year region band will take place November 8, 2014 at Lopez Middle School. Anyone who enters will play the following scales; A flat, B flat, C natural, D flat, E flat, F natural, G natural, and chromatic all by memory. The musicians will also play two difficult songs that are chosen uniquely every year. Garner Middle School has the following five people offering to representing our school; on the saxophone- Cooper Barnstrom (7), on the trumpet- Skyler McKee (8), on percussion- Ethan Garza (8) and Cameron Shough (8) and on the flute- Jessica Harden (7).

“It would be fun to challenge myself,” says Cameron Shough (8)

One of the ways that these musicians are challenging themselves is mainly because of the scales. Every scale is two octaves except for the chromatic scale. The chromatic scale is every note for three octaves. “Chromatic scale is the hardest,” says Cooper Barnstrom.

The chromatic scale also includes any flat, sharp, or natural note. The songs they will play also can include any note in the chromatic scale. Every song and scale will have dynamics like Forte, Mezzo Forte, Mezzo Piano, Piano, Crescendo, and Decrescendo. After memorizing the scales and perfecting the music the musicians now must do the most nerve racking part, playing in front of the judges. Let’s wish our musicians good luck and hope that they will do great.

Let’s Go B-team!


The volleyball B team tournament for the 7th graders happened this past weekend. Luckily the B team won at Krueger Middle School. Before the tournament some Lady Yearlings had a couple of thoughts.

Savanna Del Toro (7) let all the fellow B team Lady Yearlings know that it’s just a game and to not take the game too seriously.

Another thought on the court was from Abby Burns (7), who stated just to think about a regular Garner game because all (except for 1) of the B team games at Garner were wins.

But at the end of the last game the other team won so they had to do an overtime 3rd game. Luckily the Lady Yearlings pulled out their big guns and showed Jackson who’s boss by taking the trophy home.

This would affect the B team in the future in a good way, because if the Lady Yearlings remember to pull through even after they lose a game then they’ll be able to persevere in the future.

B team baes very own sparkly volleyball

B team’s very own sparkly volleyball

The Walking Yearlings

 I asked some Walking Dead fans here at Garner Middle School some questions about Season 5 and their thoughts on the show overall.

Garner students are excited to tune in on Sunday, October 12 to watch Season 5 of the Walking Dead. They are most excited to see their favorite characters.

“My favorite character is Rick and I can’t wait to watch him,” Shelby Guzman (7th) said.

“I am excited, because I missed watching the show,” Josh Boggess (7th) said.

“I’m not really excited, but I can’t wait to see Glenn, because he’s my favorite,” said Sophia Hernandez (7th)

“I am super excited to see Season 5, because of the intense moment at the end of Season 4,” said Anna Campa (8th)

I also asked them what they thought on Rick and Carl’s relationship, since lately its been pretty rough.

“They have a good father-son relationship but I wish they would collaborate more,” said Anna.

“I would describe it as a rough relationship,” said D’Angelo Antonino (7th).

The last question I asked the Yearlings is what do they think Season 5 contains.

“I think Season 5 is going to have more violence and more walkers,” said Shelby.

“I know for sure that there is definitely going to be more drama in Season 5, no doubt about it,” said Sophia.

In conclusion, Garner is very excited for the show’s comeback. I am super excited too, I will definitely be sitting on my couch on Sunday at 8:59 pm trying my best to hold my anxiety in.