Basketball Season is Starting

Sadly Volleyball and Football season is over, but the next sport that is starting up is Basketball.

As you may know Basketball is a big deal here at Garner Middle School.  Coach Coleman said, “I’m hoping we will be undefeated this year because last year my 8th grade girls Go team was undefeated, so I’m hoping for a repeat of last year.”

The boys are excited for Basketball too.  D’Angelo Antonino (7) said, “I am super excited for Basketball season to start. I hope I make the A team.”

The 7th and 8th grade girls’ first game will be on December 17, 2014.  Garner vs. Harris, the 8th grade game will be held here at Garner Middle School, and the 7th grade game will be held over at Harris Middle School.  For both 7th and 8th grade girls, Go team starts at 4:30 p.m., B team starts at 5:30 p.m., and A team starts at 6:30 p.m.

Hopefully the boys and girls who play for Garner Middle School do an amazing job!

All Tied Up



Super heroes, crazy socks, sports teams, ties, and your future college. All of that happened during Red Ribbon Week. On Monday 27, 2014, everyone at Garner Middle School had the chance to wear their favorite super hero shirt, so we can “power out drugs”. On Tuesday 28, the Yearlings wore crazy socks to “sock it to drugs”, and Wednesday 29, we wore our favorite team shirts to team up against drugs. On Thursday 30, we had the chance to become classy and wear bow ties to tie up drugs. On Friday 31, we showed where we want to go to college and wear a college shirt, we know we are too smart for drugs. The reason we celebrate Red Ribbon Week is because people need to stand up against drugs, and say no to drugs.

Lexi Rodnite (7) comments, I’ve worn a super hero t-shirt, crazy socks, a tie, and I’m going to wear a Texas Lutheran University college shirt to support red ribbon week.” It’s great that so many people are standing up against drugs and wearing ties, socks, and different shirts on the chosen days. Red Ribbon Week is from Monday 27 – Friday 31, and there is a presentation about saying no to drugs. At the presentation they taught you how to say no to drugs through a video.

Rene Jackson (6) said no to drugs completely and is willing to stand up to anyone who is doing them. He wore something every day, a superman shirt on Monday, mismatch socks on Tuesday, a Spurs shirt on Wednesday, a tie on Thursday, and a UT shirt on Friday. If any of his friends are doing drugs he would simply say, “Don’t do that, you are only hurting your body.” Many people still do drugs, but we are the generation with the voice. We can stand up to drugs and power them out.


Here is everyone in Mrs. Markey’s class that was wearing a tie.